Friday, January 25, 2013

The Campbellian Monomyth

I often reference the Campbellian Monomyth in my discussions about games, because it's an important lens through which to view them. It dissects the pieces of the most moving narratives of our culture through a series of steps that are the pieces of a good adventure.

While the wikipedia entry linked above is a good synopsis, the best source is Joseph Campbell's book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to study the monomyth.

Over the next few posts I'll give a brief explanation of each step, as well as examples from classic literature, video games, and the Bible.

The image above shows the varying steps of the monomyth in their cyclical nature. Feel free to take a look at it, and return to it as we discuss the steps!

The Call to Adventure

Hey everyone!

After a lot of thought, and discussion, and prayer, I've decided starting this blog might be a good idea. In this blog I plan to discuss things like Video Games, Hobby Games, Game Theory, and Game Psychology, all while keeping religion (specifically, Roman Catholicism) in mind. I'll discuss the religious implications of trends within the gaming industry, how topics are handled in medium, and what we, as gamers, can do to keep our industry from falling too far off the beaten path.

Thanks for stopping by, and hopefully I'll have some content for you soon!